The year 2020 was predicted to be tumultuous even before the onset of COVID-19, and that’s reflected in the Top 10 article topics on Chiropractic Economics that doctors of chiropractic clicked on according to our website and social media statistics.
COVID-19 was naturally a hot topic among Top 10 articles in terms of chiropractic and nutritional care, vaccinations, relieving overburdened hospitals, and of course chiropractic deemed an “essential service” as the pandemic struck.
As research, successful treatments and immunity rose to the the forefront of discussions, articles on vitamin D, zinc and other supplements became popular Top 10 articles, and patients subsequently began emptying the shelves of supplements at grocery stores and pharmacies.
As the chiropractic industry faces a looming doctor shortage due to Baby Boomer retirements in coming years, it was interesting to see “avoiding job burnout” as a hot topic for chiropractors, even before the U.S. acknowledged the COVID-19 pandemic in March.
The No. 1 article among the Top 10 articles from 2020 sparked great interest on the internet and social media, and even made headlines in large publications as a topic of debate. Which was it? See below as we revisit the Top 10 most popular articles in ascending order:
10. Chiropractic Point-Counterpoint: Vax or Anti-Vax?
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and discussion of the importance of vaccination, are doctors of chiropractic for, against or neutral on vaccinations?
9. Chiropractic leadership summit on care, nutrition during COVID-19: transcript highlights
“I’ll be very candid with you, I’ve been involved in chiropractic for almost 50 years. I’ve never seen a more critical moment than we’re in right now.”
8. How to avoid job burnout in practice and retire on your own terms
Chiropractors have only a fraction of the burnout issues that medical doctors have, writes James Fedich, and yet they are still in peril. The question of how to avoid job burnout and the early exit of many MDs and DCs may end up crippling the health care system.
7. Chiropractors deemed essential services by U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Christopher C. Krebs, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in a “Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response” named chiropractic care as an essential service.
6. Zinc deficiency test and the coronavirus
Freddy Ulan writes that just about anyone with a history of long-term use of pharmaceuticals will be found to be zinc deficient. Why? These drugs apparently cause or contribute to zinc deficiency. It would be no surprise then, to find that this deficiency is the hidden, main reason elderly people with pre-existing conditions have the highest COVID-19 fatality rate.
5. The importance of getting enough vitamin D
Vitamin D is a nutrient that most of your patients know is important. What they may not know is that they are most likely deficient, especially if they are in a colder climate. It’s estimated that 42% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D.
4. Latest research supports chiropractic for loss of cervical curve
Despite the lack of conclusive evidence linking the increase in cervical curvature to the treatment, the researchers noted that their study still is a step in the right direction, as it did show that there was benefit compared to a control group.
3. Chiropractic’s commitment to health care, relieving overburdened hospitals during COVID-19
As chiropractors, our continued focus is on our mission of public health and protection. Even during these unprecedented circumstances, chiropractic remains an essential health care service for our local communities, wrote Steven Knauf, DC.
2. The coronavirus infection mechanism and impact on inflammation
Like SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has been shown to target the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors found on the surface of epithelial cells in the mucous membranes that line the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, kidney tubules, and the oral cavity, explained Shayne Morris, PhD, MBA, CNS.
1. Chiropractic Point-Counterpoint: Y Strap Adjustments
The Chiropractic Economics point-counterpoint page on Facebook received a record number of responses after asking doctors of chiropractic to weigh in on the Y-strap adjusting craze and popularity of adjustment videos posted on YouTube.
RICK VACH is editor-in-chief of Chiropractic Economics.