August 7, 2011 — The Core Laser, the latest product from Laser Gym, is designed to simultaneously increase flexibility and range of motion in the hips and lower back area while increasing core muscle strength. With regular use, the Core Laser can relieve back pain in only five to eight minutes a day.
“If we could somehow get everyone to spend three minutes minimum per night using the Core Laser, our epidemic of back pain would be over,” says Dave Phreaner, MD. “After using the Core Laser daily for a month, my back, my posture and my balance have never felt better.”
Over years and years of studying martial arts and watching his children play sports, Rick Jeffrey, CEO and founder of Laser Gym, learned that the individuals who are the best at their craft have impeccable mechanics. “This principle was paramount in the creation of the Core Laser as the goal was to give people an easy to use, everyday tool to promote proper bio mechanics in that area of their body,” he notes.
TheCore Laser device allows for a laser-guided, exercise/therapeutic training that helps target the center of the human body. Here’s how the patented Direct Visual Feedback (DVF) works: The belt’s beam moves toward a specific directional goal and the wearer directs the beam to trace specially designed patterns. One can easily see when the beam is off target and make necessary corrections.
Not only is it said to be useful for increasing range of motion and strength, but the Core Laser system is designed to provide therapists with a tool for improving balance and coordination programs. “I appreciate the ability to objectively measure my patient’s improvements using this system,” says Deanne Turner, a licensed physical therapist primarily working with the geriatric population.
The laser simply allows one to see exactly how their body is moving. This method forms a unique “mind-body” connection allowing significant gains in a short period of time.
Source: Laser Gym,