September 9, 2013 — ChiroTouch, a leader in chiropractic software, Dr. David Jackson, and Dr. Tony Ebel will be hosting “The Perfect Storm: Healthy Kids—Healthy Practice” webinar, which is scheduled to air Sept. 10, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. PST.
“Incorporating chiropractic into a child’s health and wellness plan can have tremendous life-long benefits,” said Robert Moberg, president of ChiroTouch. “We’re thrilled to have Dr. Jackson an Dr. Ebel share their knowledge on the vast benefits of treating children.”
Today’s children face a “perfect storm” of poor health and chronic illness. Whether it is ADHD or autism, ear infections or asthma, this storm is tearing apart our kids and families.
In this webinar, Ebel and Jackson of Epic Pediatrics will talk about how there is also a “perfect storm” brewing in chiropractic, where caring for these kids and families can become the most impactful, enjoyable, and productive practice of your dreams! They will teach you how to create healthy kids and a healthy practice.
To join ChiroTouch for this webinar, visit
Source: ChiroTouch