On Oct. 8, the Chiropractic Health Care section (CHC) of the American Public Health Association (APHA) announced the creation of a twelve-hour chiropractic continuing education webinar series.
Robert A. Leach, DC, MS, FICC(h), RMCHES, CHC chairperson, made the announcement in an APHA press release.
The series, available in two-hour modules, the release noted, is made possible by a generous grant from the NCMIC Foundation. The webinar content was created by multidisciplinary healthcare professionals including educators, researchers and clinicians in the fields of chiropractic, medicine and public health.
“This webinar will provide the chiropractor with clinically relevant information that integrates the biopsychosocial elements of patient care and addresses national public health priorities,” said Thomas Ventimiglia, DC, FACC (h), CHC Webinar Committee Chairperson. “It will focus on the role the doctor can play in promoting health, guiding health behavior changes and addressing social determinants of health. Finally, it will provide steps the practitioner can take that promote communication, collaboration and cooperation with the mental health and licensed social worker.”
The chiropractic continuing education webinars and credits are administered by participating college(s) and national and state associations. Please contact your college or national or state association for additional information about registering and acquiring continuing education (CE) credits.
Distinguished instructors and webinar titles
- Barbara Erny, MD, Krista Ward, DC, MPH: Aligning Environmental Health and Chiropractic Care (2 CE hours)
- Will Evans, DC, PhD, MCHES®: Communicating Health Messages to Patients (1 CE hour)
- Thomas R. Ventimiglia, DC, FACC(h): Addressing Patient Health Behavior Through Applied Health Behavior Theory and Motivational Interviewing Techniques (1 CE hour)
- Jevinne Khan, DC, Kelsey Lewis, DC: Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Chiropractic Clinical Practice (2 CE hours)
- Christie Kwon, MS, DC, MPH: Health Equity: The Chiropractor’s Role in Addressing Health Equity in a Multicultural Society (2 CE hours)
- Joel Stevans, DC, PhD, Michael Schneider, DC, PhD: Spine Pain and Its Impact on Public Health: Exploring the Multifaceted Challenges of Spine-Related Disorders (2 CE hours)
- Will Evans, DC, PhD, MCHES®, Robert Leach, DC, MS, RMCHES: The Chiropractor’s Role as a Member of the Multidisciplinary Public Health Team (2 CE hours)
About the American Public Health Association’s Chiropractic Heath Care Section
The Chiropractic Health Care (CHC) section of the American Public Health Association was formed in 1995. Sections are the primary professional units of APHA and conduct activities that promote its mission. The American Public Health Association (APHA), founded in 1872, has a mission to “improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status.” APHA has over 25,000 members from national and international health professions dedicated to improving the health of all U.S. residents.