January 21, 2010 — The Chiropractic Health Care Section of the American Public Health Association (APHA-CHC) invites abstracts for presentation at the 2010 Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo. Nov. 6-10. The submission deadline is Feb. 2.
Topics related to this year’s theme, “Social Justice: A Public Health Imperative,” and in all areas related to chiropractic healthcare will receive high priority.
Other topics of interest include:
• Advocacy from the local to the national;
• Educational challenges: Public health and the chiropractic student;
• Evolving concepts in public health and clinical practice;
• Expanding public health competency, the role of licensing, testing, and regulation;
• Improving lives: Serving the underserved;
• Influencing heath policy;
• Initiatives in community health promotion;
• Interdisciplinary approaches to improve healthcare;
• Research: Current status and updates I;
• Research: Current status and updates II;
This Call for Abstracts for the APHA-CHC scientific sessions requests papers that present: Original empirical work (e.g. scientific studies, program evaluations, or organizational case studies), or noteworthy advances in methodology or analysis; innovative integrative scholarship and scientific work; programmatic reports of significant research infrastructure development; Programmatic reports of health professions curricular development or educational research; substantive policy analyses (e.g. systems-wide assessments or policy case-studies); informative reports on program or project management and development; other similarly noteworthy, innovative, or informative reports and studies.
An author’s paper may not have been presented or published prior to its presentation at the Annual Meeting. All presenters must become individual members of APHA and must register for the Annual Meeting to make their presentation. All presenters must provide, an abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names, at least one measurable single learning objective and a signed conflict of interest form with a relevant qualification statement. The abstract is limited to 250 words.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the APHA Web site.
Source: American Public Health Association, www.apha-chc.org/