What does THE matrix MAZE mean in Actual dollars?
With the creation of lucrative profit centers by providing valuable products and services, it is possible to add hundreds or thousands monthly to the bottom line. This is how it works.
In today’s chiropractic environment, providing patients with direct access to those products and services they need is not only ethical, but good business practice as well. In reported surveys, when patients were queried as to whether they would rather purchase products that could benefit them, directly from their doctor or from a store or pharmacy, the overwhelming majority chose their doctor due to the convenience factor. Patients also rightfully look to their doctors for advice and recommendations regarding products that contribute to their health and the wellness of their families.
Just as advertising for patients (a practice once frowned upon) is now well accepted and essential to the viability of an office, so too is retailing in the professional office. With the creation of lucrative office profit centers by providing valuable products and services, it is possible to add hundreds or thousands monthly (or even weekly) to the bottom line. In this way, as the doctor becomes more profitable, the ability to offer patients more time and better quality of care increases.
Network marketing offers two distinct opportunities to realize additional income for the health profession. The first is the creation of lucrative office profit centers by introducing patients to products and services that contribute to their health and well being. By introducing patients, it is possible to generate several hundred to several thousand dollars of additional earned income monthly. The second means of generating income lies in sharing the products, services and opportunities with others be they colleagues or simply entrepreneurial individuals. When you sponsor others to do the same, the structure is created to generate residual or royalty type income.
For example, chiropractors have the opportunity to introduce patients to such life enhancing products as air purification units, smoking cessation programs and health enhancing nutritionals. If a doctor were to introduce just one patient with allergies, asthma, household odors, smoke, or a need for cleaner air per day to an air purifier unit, it could generate between $259 and $309 profit per sale. By introducing one patient per day, five days a week, or twenty per month, the office profit center would produce up to $6,180 monthly. Likewise, if one patient per day were supported in quitting his or her nicotine addiction, an additional $99 (per sale) profit center could be generated. Over the course of a month, this would result in an extra $1,980.
Identifying one air purifier and one nicotine cessation patient per day would generate an extra $8,160 per month. This income is earned income. You have to recommend the products to generate it. In contrast, if the doctor or a staff member were to identify six other offices who wanted to create similar profit centers, over the course of six to twelve months or more, it would produce $4,200 a month.
If each additional doctor does the same and introduces one patient daily to one air purifier unit and one smoking cessation program, it could generate $7,000 in bonusable volume per doctor per month or six offices x $7,000 per office in product volume = $42,000 in volume. At an average commission of 10%, this would produce a royalty income of over $4,000 per month for the introducing doctor. When each of the six doctors go on to introduce their six doctors, the residual income may become $29,400 a month.
As your organization continues to grow, your volume and royalty earnings would also increase proportionately. Now, obviously, not every one introduced will build such a vital organization. In fact, the vast majority of those involved quit at the first sign of rejection by others. But, nevertheless, the potential of a substantial residual income does exist if someone is willing to follow through on their commitment to build such an organization.
Over the past six years, I’ve seen hundreds of doctors at various stages of implementing a similar plan. Incomes range from a few hundred extra dollars weekly to high five-figure monthly incomes. My colleague and I have followed one company’s referral program, which allowed us to retire from our practice after three years of involvement with an income that exceeded our practice income. Today we are committed to assisting those doctors desiring the same freedom we enjoy, that only a residual income can bring.
Joseph S. Rubino, DMD, of Andover, Massachusetts, a retired dentist, is a member of the advisory board of directors for a leading international health professional network marketing company. He is the founder of Doctors for a Smoke Free World, an organization of more than 3,000 doctors and smoking cessation specialists committed to educating smokers and smokeless tobacco users about the dangers of tobacco use while helping those who wish to be free of their addiction. He is a world renowned success coach and speaks and writes internationally on creating wellness centers in health professional practices and on the benefits of networking for health professionals. Please contact him at 1-800-999-9551 ext. 870.