By Karen Appold
Supplements work to basically help us in some respect. Dietary supplements, in particular, can help improve health provided we take care and use them responsibly. Pancreatin is a chemical compound derived from animal enzymes. Patients sometimes use it in its various forms to remedy symptoms of illness.
The Pancreas
The pancreas is a glandular organ near your stomach. It works to produce hormones and digestive enzymes. While certain hormones facilitate homeostasis, a vital component to a body’s internal stability, digestive enzymes help break down proteins and carbohydrates; two major energy sources vital for health. Pancreatin supplements may assist patients with diminished pancreatic function.
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is one particularly debilitating ailment of the pancreas. It causes patients to produce too much mucus which adversely affects their ability to fight infection, digest nutrients or even breathe properly. Pancreatin supplements or digestive enzymes are reported to treat symptoms of diarrhea, malnutrition, and intestinal blockage associated with cystic fibrosis.
A “killer” cell?
The body has mechanisms to stave off infection and fight disease. However, certain medical conditions inhibit the body’s ability recognize when serious disease or infection is imminent. Fibrin, for example, is a protein lining that surrounds cancer cells. It works to hide cancer from antibodies in your immune system. A T-cell, a type of white blood cell, works in partnership with pancreatic enzymes to reduce the strength of that protein lining to ultimately kill cancer cells. Pancreatin is reported to help the body produce pancreatic enzymes.
Heart disease
Your body needs to make new cells to survive; the pancreas and metabolic enzymes are two key factors in this process. The pancreas produces metabolic enzymes to help vital organs replenish cells and function properly. Metabolic enzymes also help clean the blood of impurities. Atherosclerosis, characterized by a hardening of the arteries, is a significant contributor to cardiovascular issues. Enzymes are reported to efficiently reduce certain cholesterols which negatively impact heart function.
Remember, not all enzymes are created equal. Homocysteine, for example, is an enzyme that causes damage to arteries.The by-product of homocysteine can cause proteins to break down. If you take pancreatin, it may convert them into cystathionine, a harmless amino acid.