Co-authors Theodore Henderson, MD, PhD, and Larry Morries, DC, report dramatic improvements using near-infrared light therapy among patients troubled with TBI symptoms including depression, brain fog, and other cognitive and emotional anomalies.
For the first time in medical history, two neuroscientists from the Neuro-Laser Foundation based in Denver have found a method to rehabilitate brain damage caused by traumatic brain injury (TBI). Demand for the treatment, equipment, and research has motivated them to establish the “Say Goodbye TBI” fundraising and awareness campaign.
Theodore A. Henderson, MD, PhD, said he invites doctors, patients, and potential donors to examine their latest research that found a successful and patent-pending treatment using a multi-watt, near-infrared light therapy (NILT). U.S. military receive special consideration, particularly related financial aid assistance.
“TBI troubles millions of people and is a serious condition, yet until now there has been no treatment that effectively diagnoses and targets treatment to the damaged brain,” said Henderson, who has co-authored more than 30 studies published in professional journals. “Our patients, including soldiers, using the NILT method are showing clinically significant improvement in cognitive and emotional functions.”
Two recently published studies in the Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment summer issue demonstrate the NILT method’s efficacy by establishing that the high-powered light (applied transcranially) penetrates the skin and skull to reach the brain. The NILT treatment also indicates patients’ symptoms were reduced, and brain activity was restored with no side effects or skin irritation.
- Near-infrared photonic energy penetration: can infrared phototherapy effectively reach the human brain? (Henderson TA & Morries LD) — The study showed high-powered, multi-watt infrared light achieved at least 3 centimeters penetration into the brain. This included wavelengths of 980 and 808 nanometers with 9 to 13 watts average power. No thermal skin irritation occurred, and skin temperature change was negligible.
- Treatments for traumatic brain injury with emphasis on transcranial near-infrared laser phototherapy. (Morries LD, Cassano P, Henderson TA.) — The second study found that a specific high-powered, near infrared light can effectively re-energize damaged brain cells after penetrating the skin and skull. All the patients in the study reported significant clinical improvement in their condition with no negative side effects.
Commencing in 2016, Henderson and Larry Morries, DC, are planning a TBI trial, which will require new specialized equipment, researchers, and qualified patients.
“TBI often does not get diagnosed, and when it does, the common medical advice is to rest, take some aspirin, and be patient,” said Morries, who has dedicated his 30-year, distinguished career to rehabilitating the brain and body. “The condition frustrates patients who are suffering with unknown reasons for emotional outbursts, memory loss, sadness, or other debilitating behavior. Finally, we can say there is a treatment that works, and we plan to share this with many people, including active and retired soldiers who are looking for answers.”
Through the “Say Goodbye TBI” campaign, the Neuro-Laser Foundation hopes to put TBI on the map, and the treatment in the light.
“Dr. Morries and I envision studying the impact of NILT on veterans, active, and retired professional athletes, as well as military personnel, and first responders. Therefore, the Foundation is seeking funding for a major research and operating initiative.” More information is available here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports of more 2.5 million concussion and TBI emergency visits occur annually.
“Moreover, many concussions are not reported, and the number of sub-concussive hits sustained over time can add up. I would estimate the problem affects one-third of our population to some degree,” Henderson said.
Source: Neuro-Laser Foundation