by Chris Towery
The ease-of-use and high-tech, ergonomic design of adjusting instruments can help keep chiropractors safe from injury and prolong their careers. The devices offer equally valuable benefits to patients. While instrument adjusting significantly lessens the force and strain on a DC’s body, it is equally gentle on those being adjusted. Because of this, the technology opens up chiropractic care to patient populations that would ordinarily be extremely difficult to treat using manual adjusting.
Although manual adjustments are extremely safe, their overtly physical nature can intimidate patients unfamiliar with chiropractic techniques. Using manual methods, it’s sometimes necessary to put a patient’s body into slightly uncomfortable positions so the spine can be properly aligned. Even if a patient is in great shape, the notion of manipulating their spinal column like this can make them uneasy, less likely to comply with treatment, and possibly even frighten them away from chiropractic care altogether.
However, the high speed and gentle force of instrument adjusting allows DCs to quickly deliver care without manipulating a patient’s body into difficult positions. In fact, instrument adjusting enables patients to receive their entire treatment while lying prone, which is far easier on their bodies as well as their anxiety levels. Moreover, the devices are much less
likely to cause unwanted side effects, such as muscle pain and soreness, brought about by manual adjustments.
Safe for all
Instrument adjusting also widens the range of patients DCs are able to care for. Manual adjustments can be extremely challenging when dealing with certain patient populations, such as young children, the elderly, and the obese. Beyond someone’s age and physical size, patients presenting with injury and/or disease present an equally difficult dilemma. At the very least, manually treating such populations takes up much more of a DC’s time and energy. At worst, the increased risk of serious injury brings the potential for career-ending lawsuits.
However, instrument adjusting can be used on just about anyone, no matter their age, size, or physical condition. Your ability to safely and effectively provide chiropractic care to these previously underserved populations can be a lifesaver for those who would otherwise be forced to endure the pain and humiliation of unnecessary medication and surgery.
Revenue generating
All these valuable advantages will make your patients much more likely to comply with care, and many of them will likely recommend your services to friends and relatives, who might ordinarily avoid chiropractic treatment. With such a boost to your reputation, you’ll likely find that instrument adjusting is equally as beneficial to your bottom line as it is to your patients and your own career longevity.
Chris Towery is the former associate editor of MASSAGE Magazine and is currently a fulltime freelance journalist. He has written hundreds of articles for more than 20 different magazines, newspapers, and custom publishers. Much of his recent writing has been for the complementary and alternative healthcare industry. To contact Chris, email