Anyone who has ever experienced pain in the lower back area knows how unpleasant and sometimes debilitating it can be.
It can make life’s daily chores almost impossible to complete, and the activities you used to enjoy become distant memories, as you’re not willing or able to endure the discomfort that they now bring. This is all too often the case for people who suffer from a lumbar plexus disorder.
What is a lumbar plexus disorder?
Lumbar plexus disorders are relatively rare lower back conditions that affect the nerves and nerve bundles in and around the lumbar area of your spine. This is the area that extends roughly from the bottom of your rib cage to the top of your hips, which you can easily see if you stand sideways, as it is the area that curves inward toward your tummy.
Lumbar plexus disorders have a few different causes. For instance any sort of trauma to the lumbar, or lower back, area of your spine could result in this type of disorder, as can diabetes or cancer in or around the intestinal area, according to Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil Essentials of Medicine (Chapter 130).
No matter what the cause though, this particular condition can result in a lot of pain, as well as the loss of a variety of motor skills. This makes treating it properly necessary if you want to enjoy a higher quality of life.
The drop table treatment option
One extremely valuable treatment method that many chiropractors use for lumbar plexus disorders involves a drop table. A drop table is a chiropractic table that has different sections that can be raised an inch or two. When pressure is applied by the chiropractic professional to a specific area of the patient’s body, the appropriate table section drops, essentially helping the spinal column to “fall into place.”
This type of treatment is beneficial for the patient and chiropractor both. For the patient, it affords him or her spinal alignment via a method that isn’t uncomfortable in the least. Chiropractors also benefit, as they don’t have to apply much pressure to effect the change, giving optimal results with minimal effort.
So, if you have a lumbar plexus disorder, it may benefit you to seek a chiropractor who uses a drop table for treating your condition. What do you have to lose, other than pain?