Help protect your patients from the dangers of environmental toxins.
Are we aging or sage-ing? Gaining wisdom is one of the perks of growing older, although most don’t want to speed the process along. Even so, homeopathy helps at each stage of life, especially with today’s complex health challenges.
From 1960 to 2011, U.S. life expectancy increased from age 66.6 to 78.6 for men, and 73.1 to 80.9 for women.1
Yet, with this increased longevity, more people than ever suffer from heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.2 Furthermore, hundreds of thousands die every year from pharmaceutical drugs, many of which contain heavy metals (including mercury).3
Reversing the effects
Some fear an extended life span, if all they have to look forward to is suffering from degenerative diseases. Addressing this concern, research continues to focus on anti-aging medicine.
Many doctors of chiropractic recommend dietary supplements and lifestyle adjustments along with chiropractic treatments to increase health-span. No doubt these all help, but you can be more proactive.
All anti-aging protocols should address detoxification, especially of heavy metals, which accelerate aging.
The world is filled with beauty but also with toxins. And much of what we call “aging” may actually be oxidation caused by heavy metal toxicity.
Not coincidentally, the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity are virtually identical to the normal symptoms of aging: sleeplessness, chilliness, exhaustion, confusion, nausea, twitching muscles, headache, dizziness, sore throat, physical pain, rheumatic stiffness, cough, hay fever, and unhealthy skin.
Mad about mercury
When it comes to sage-ing, we all want to preserve our mental faculties.
Aluminum toxicity is linked to Alzheimer’s disease, and mercury destroys brain cell function.
About 150 years ago, readers were familiar with the behavior of the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. In those days, mercury was used in the manufacture of felt hats. The process released vapors that commonly poisoned the brains of milliners, making them act crazy or “mad.”
Today, a much larger segment of the population is exposed to mercury, and the effects are still devastating. The University of Calgary created a video that shows how mercury destroys and causes tangled neurofibrils in the brain.4 Tangled neurofibrils are also associated with physiological changes in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.5
Antioxidants enhance brain health, but it’s a Catch-22 with mercury.
Mercury corrupts enzymes necessary for the transfer of the electrons between antioxidant carriers and the oxidized cells that need them.6
Organic symphony
When functioning at peak health, the body’s organs, glands, hormones, and biological processes act together as a skilled symphony.
The symphony’s conductor is the tiny pituitary, or master gland. The DNA is the sheet music that the conductor and musicians follow. The musical instruments are the enzymes, and the musicians are the various glands and organs of the body.
Heavy metals are like vandals, sneaking into this symphony and rewriting the sheet music, breaking the instruments, and drugging the conductor. The once beautiful music becomes dissonant, and the body no longer functions properly. Many of these malfunctions are warning signs of what is called aging.
More than nutrition
Antioxidants are essential, but their effectiveness can be crippled by a loss of the enzyme pathways they need. Suppose in the above analogy that the antioxidants help protect the musical instruments from vandalism. But, the heavy metal vandals are so busy smashing the instruments and trashing the aisles that the antioxidants can’t get to where they’re needed in time.
This is analogous to the heavy metal toxins that enter the body through foods tainted with herbicides and pesticides, fish, factory-farm-raised meats, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), contaminated water, body care and household products, cigarettes, dental fillings, dentures, vaccines, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and air pollution.7 Infants sometimes receive heavy metal toxicity in utero, and up to the year 2001 used to get more in vaccinations containing thimerosal.8-9
Elimination station
Detoxification options include: chelation; a clean, nutrient-rich, whole-food diet rich in fiber; adaptogenic herbs; antioxidants; exercise; and perspiration. The avenues of elimination must be working well enough to prevent further damage from the toxins on their way out.
For example, in the early days of oral chelation, some patients died of kidney failure as the toxins couldn’t exit the body via that route without further damaging it.
Fortunately, chelation experts have advanced that modality since then. Another essential modality is homeopathy.
Good medicine, then and now
Homeopathy has been practiced safely for more than 200 years. An infinitesimally small amount of the same substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person will help an ill person overcome those same symptoms once it has been transformed into a nontoxic homeopathic medicine.
Clinical studies have shown that homeopathic remedies facilitate the removal of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium from the body.10-12 One such study validated the efficacy of using homeopathic Arsenicum album to help people living in high-risk arsenic contaminated areas.13
Patients with toxicity have a high risk of repeat toxicity after cleansing with chelation and nutrition. But homeopathic detoxification products minimize such recurrence. Homeopathy works through the correction of energetic control networks like the nervous and meridian systems. In this corrective process, homeopathic detox formulas can help educate the body’s control networks to better recognize toxins—human-made or otherwise—so the body can eliminate them more efficiently.
To be healthy (and wise) in today’s world, lifestyles should facilitate constant detoxification.
Frank King, DC, ND, is a nationally recognized researcher, author, and lecturer on homeopathy. He is the founder and director of King Bio, an FDA-registered homeopathic manufacturing company. His free Physician’s Reference Manual, which helps you understand homeopathy and outlines how to incorporate it into your practice, is available at He can be contacted at 866-298-2740 or
1 World Life Expectancy. “The History of Life Expectancy.” Updated Aug. 19, 2015. Accessed Aug. 19, 2015.
2 Casqueiro J, Casqueiro J, Alves C. Infections in patients with diabetes mellitus: A review of pathogenesis. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2012; 16(Suppl 1):S27-S36.
3 Null G, et al. “Death by Medicine.” Published May 2014. Accessed Aug. 2015.
4 University of Calgary, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine. “How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration.” Published Aug. 2014. Accessed Aug. 2015.
5 National Institute on Aging. “Alzeimer’s Disease.” Updated Jan. 2015. Accessed Aug. 2015.
6 Flora SJS, Megha M, Ashish M. Heavy metal induced oxidative stress & its possible reversal by chelation therapy. Indian J Med Res. 2008;128(4):501-23.
7 Perkins S. “Foods Containing Mercury.” Updated Aug. 2015. Accessed Aug. 2015.
8 L, Zhang X, Wang D, Baccarelli A. “Environmental chemical exposures and human epigenetics.” International Journal of Epidemiology. 2012;41:79-105.
9 Raymond LJ, Ralston NVC. Mercury: Selenium interactions and health implications. SMDJ. 2004;7(1):72-77.
10 Padilha RQ, Riera R, Átallah AN. Homeopathic Plumbum metallicum for lead poisoning: a randomized clinical trial. Homeopathy. 2011;100(3):116-21.
11 Beringhs-Bueno LA, Paschalicchio AE. (2006). Homeopathic Medication as Mercury’s Chelating Agent, Improving the Success of Homeopathy 5: A Global Persepctive. Presented in London.
12 Linde K., Jonas WB, Melchart D., et al. Critical review and meta-analysis of serial agitated dilutions in experimental toxicology. Hum Exp Toxicol. 1994;13(7):481-92.
13 Belon P, Banerjee P, Choudhury SC, et al. Can Administration of Potentized Homeopathic Remedy, [Arsenicum Album, Alter Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Titer in People Living in High-Risk Arsenic Contaminated Areas? I. A Correlation with Certain Hematological Parameters. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2006;3(1):99-107.