Have you ever had one of weeks when you come home on Friday, feeling as if you are the one who could do with a good chiropractic session after of taking care of your patients?
Your wrists, hands, and fingers are almost numb, your shoulders and back are sore and stiff, and your knees and feet ache. While you might get a bit of time to relax over the weekend, you also will need to be ready to work on your patients that are booked for the upcoming week.
This might be an excellent time to take the advice that you give your patients—take some time for self-care. Spending eight hours a day bent over a table and performing adjustments can take a toll on your hands, shoulders and back. Fortunately, there are a number of stretches based on various yoga poses that can specifically target these problem areas.
However, your hands, wrists, and fingers are perhaps the most important parts of your body that need attention, as they are the tools of your trade. Below are some easy yoga-based stretches that can keep your hands, wrists, and fingers strong and flexible.
Remember to not hyper-flex your wrist or fingers. Stretch through so that you feel it, but not so much that it hurts. Finally, remember to take full, deep breaths.
1. Wrist and finger stretches
Start by first extending one arm in front of you at shoulder height, with your palm down. Bend your wrist so that your fingers are pointing down, toward the floor. Gently grasp your fingers with your other hand, and pull them upward, toward your body.
To do this stretch in the other direction, start with your palm facing up. Use your free hand to gently pull your fingers toward the floor. Hold each stretch for 10 t0 30 seconds, and repeat each side two to three times.
2. Thumb stretches
Thumb exercises are good if you do manual adjustments, as they help strengthen the thumb muscles. Start by making a thumbs-up sign. Gently pull your thumb backward with your free hand, as you try to create resistance to keep your thumb from moving. To do this exercise in the opposite direction, use your free hand to try to push your thumb forward, as you create resistance. Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds and repeat for each direction two to three times.
3. Overhead stretch
Sit or stand up straight. Lift your arms over your head, with your fingers interlaced and your palms turned up toward the ceiling. Bend your arms slightly as you inhale, and then straighten them as you exhale until you feel the stretch. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds, and repeat it three to five times.
Your hands, wrists, and fingers are your instruments of healing. However, like your adjusting table and imaging equipment, you need to take care of your most important instrument. Taking a few minutes out of your busy workday to do these simple stretches based on yoga can help you follow the best advice for relieving your pain: Chiropractor, heal thyself!