July 17, 2010 — Nutripuncture gives health practitioners, who do not practice acupuncture, an introduction to the value and practice of Chinese medicine, broadening their ability to treat the whole person and the origins of skeletal pain and disease, deepening and enhancing their own therapy.
This therapy will set the chiropractor apart from other practitioners, giving them a unique and effective tool to add to their knowledge of health and wellness.
Nutripuncture is acupuncture without needles. This science was created 25 years ago by a French medical doctor, Dr. Patrick Veret, who is also a master acupuncturist, sports doctor and homeopath. Dr. Veret used modern discoveries of cellular oscillation and the principles of traditional Chinese medicine to create good tasting, chewable supplements that nourish the body’s meridians.
Dr. Veret states: “With an understanding of Nutripuncture, chiropractors and osteopaths are able to integrate each articulation, in its identity and function, with the rest of the body.
Each articulation has a specific function and identity in relationship with the unique nature of the human body. It is governed by corresponding informational circuits that enable it to maintain its particular place and function.
Every type of injury to the bone or muscle also has a disturbance in specific vital currents or meridians. By using Nutripuncture, it is possible to nourish and improve the conduction of these disturbed currents. When these vital currents are restored the patient experiences a better functional balance, as well as an improvement in the level of pain. Nutripuncture then becomes an essential tool for any type of rehabilitation.”
Nutripuncture is designed to help chiropractors:
• Gain new ways to build a client base and encourage referrals;
• Learn ways to support the patient’s health between treatments and educate them about the importance of balancing the body and finding, if possible, the origin of their pain; and
• Help patients stay with a treatment plan who vacillate between allopathic treatments and holistic methods and/or who get caught up “trying” new methods of treatment resulting in never finishing anything.
Source: Nutripuncture, www.nutripuncture.com