Newswise — Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW), announces the launch of myLWW, a new, personalized and intuitive interface that integrates medical journal content and rich media to enable collaboration, sharing, and innovation among medical professionals. LWW is part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information and business intelligence for students, professionals, and institutions in medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry. The new platform currently supports eight of the country’s leading medical journals, including Anesthesiology, Spine and Obstetrics & Gynecology. Additional journals will launch in coming months.
Developed with input from medical professionals and editors from LWW’s leading journals, the Microsoft Sharepoint-based platform will eventually host over 280 journal websites, reaching a half million subscribers. “We spent months working closely with doctors, medical researchers, and other health professionals to learn how they use medical and scholarly content in their daily work,” said Gordon Macomber, President & CEO of Wolters Kluwer Health, Professional & Education. “We also observed our customers in their work environment, and used that research to develop a suite of customized applications that provides users with exactly the information tools they need to support their work.”
Online journal subscribers will now have access to:
* Featured articles, Editor’s Picks, “Most Viewed” And “Most Emailed” papers
* Image and video gallery options for integrated video viewing and figure image review
* New options for article delivery, including an enhanced HTML format for easier reading
* New customization options, including saved searches, personal article collections, and e-mail and RSS alerts
* New export tools including links to citation managers and tools to export figures from full-text articles into PowerPoint
* Improved search across all content and media type.
“Our members have a limited amount of time to target and learn how to apply information from important new papers,” said James C. Eisenach, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesiology. This new, customizable search experience gives them the content they need and the tools to apply that information. It’s a major upgrade that augments the value of our journal for all readers and secures our role as leading online destination for our specialty.”
LWW will continue to refine and upgrade the interface based on customer feedback and anticipates making quarterly upgrades. “We plan to make many additional enhancements, which we have prioritized based on customer input,” said Macomber. “We have designed this software as an iterative, customer-driven tool that will continuously adapt, just as our use of the internet and new interactive web features adapts.”