July 28, 2011 – MPN Software Systems announced today that ECLIPSE v2011 is 2011/2012 compliant and was certified as a Complete EHR on July 28, 2011 by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT), an ONC-ATCB, in accordance with the applicable ELIGIBLE PROVIDER certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The 2011/2012 criteria support the Stage 1 meaningful use measures required to qualify eligible providers and hospitals for funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
According to Dr. Karen Walters of MPN: “We believe that this step continues to validate our leadership within the field over the past 25 years… especially when you consider that ECLIPSE – which started life as a billing program in 1985 – has such sophisticated EHR capabilities.”
The ONC-ATCB 2011/2012 certification program tests and certifies that Complete EHRs meet all of the 2011/2012 criteria and EHR Modules meet one or more – but not all – of the criteria approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) for either eligible provider or hospital technology.
“CCHIT is pleased to be testing and certifying products so that companies are now able to offer these products to providers who wish to purchase and implement certified EHR technology and achieve meaningful use in time for the 2011-2012 incentives,” said Karen M. Bell, M.D., M.S.S., Chair, CCHIT.
ECLIPSE, v2011’s certification number is CC-1112-353010-3. ONC-ATCB 2011/2012 certification conferred by CCHIT does not represent an endorsement of the certified EHR technology by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services nor does it guarantee the receipt of incentive payments.
The clinical quality measures to which ECLIPSE has been certified include:
NQF 0421 Adult Weight Screening & Follow-Up
NQF 0013 Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement
NQF 0028 Tobacco Use Assessment and Cessation
NQF 0041 Influenza Immunization
NQF 0024 Weight Assessment and Counseling
NQF 0038 Childhood Immunization Status
NQF 0061 Diabetes: BP Management
NQF 0018 Controlling High Blood Pressure
NQF 0052 Low Back Pain: Use of Imaging Studies
The additional software ECLIPSE relied upon to demonstrate compliance includes: Krames Staywell, DrFirst Rcopia.