February 16, 2010 — George A. Goodman, DC, FICC, president of Logan College of Chiropractic/University Programs, and Dr. Kelvin Adams, superintendent of the St. Louis Public Schools, signed an agreement today for Logan to conduct a unique strength and physical conditioning pilot program to test 6th graders at Busch AAA Middle School, over a 13-week period.
The study, which will be conducted by graduate assistants in Logan’s master’s program in sports science and rehabilitation, will measure students’ speed, power, agility, reaction and quickness (SPARQ) as part of developmental athletic training.
It will be conducted after school with Busch students ages 11-12 for approximately 45 minutes two to three days per week.
Most of the program’s exercises will be based on body weight movements and some light resistance training. Program drills will test students’ upper and lower body coordination, strength, and power as well as physical endurance, acceleration, and maximum running speed.
“We hope the success of this pilot program will result in a long-term relationship with the St. Louis Public School system whereby Logan can offer this important resource to other middle schools in the district,” said Elizabeth Goodman, DC, PhD, Logan’s dean of university programs.
At the end of the 13-week program, students will participate in the Bobcat Games, named for the Busch school mascot. The purpose of the games is to monitor participant progress, foster health competition and camaraderie and provide a fun outlet from the weekly training sessions as a type of mini-Olympics event.
“Logan College of Chiropractic understands that physical activity is a critical link to academic performance, and I look forward to their findings,” said Dr. Kelvin Adams.
Source: Logan College of Chiropractic, www.logan.edu