October 17, 2016—The 2016 International Talk the TIC competition was hosted by Life University (LIFE) on Thursday, October 13, with the finals of the English competition taking place on Friday, October 14 at LIFE Vision Seminar. Ten institutions were represented: Barcelona College of Chiropractic; Cleveland Chiropractic College; Life University; Southern California University of Health Sciences – LACC; New York Chiropractic College; New Zealand College of Chiropractic; Northwestern University; Palmer University – Davenport; Parker University; and Sherman College of Chiropractic.
The winners in the Spanish division were as follows: 1st place – Fabiola Velez Colon – LIFE; 2nd place – Nepphtali Caban – LIFE; 3rd place – Tim Hartman, Sherman College of Chiropractic. Spanish judges came from as far as Columbia. The 1st place winner received a beautiful crystal award, $1,000. cash and a beautiful pediatric table donated by Joe Fiorino of Chirocept. The 2nd place finisher received a crystal award and $500 in cash. The 3rd place finisher received a cash award of $250.
The winners in the English division were as follows: Brock Jaeb – New Zealand Chiropractic College, who received a crystal award, $1000 in cash and a portable table donated by Techniques Tables of Ontario, Canada. He was also given $100 to offset the airline cost of bringing the table back to New Zealand with him. The 2nd place finisher was Megha Bagai – LIFE. She received a crystal award and $500 cash. The third place finisher was Bradley Francis – Palmer University -Davenport. He received $250 cash. All cash prizes were provided by Jason Deitch, Executive Director of Talk the TIC and CEO of AmpLIFEied. Standard Process is a proud sponsor of Talk the TIC.
LIFE provided the following for the competition: the venue; crystal awards; gift bags for every competitor and judge who came from different parts of the country; the competitor and judge recognition luncheon; complimentary registration for all competitors and judges to LIFE Vision Seminar; and dinner on Friday evening and for the President’s Luncheon on Saturday.
Deitch was impressed with the hospitality of the LIFE team, and the contest will make an unprecedented repeat appearance back at the University in 2017.
Congratulations to all students who participated. Thank you to all judges, with affiliation to multiple chiropractic institutions, who took time off from their practices to attend and judge the competition. Thank you to Head Judge Brad Glowaki for setting up the judging panel and managing the judging process.
Based on what was experienced with the student competitors, the future of the profession appears to be in very good hands.
Source: Life University