July 24, 2008 –– Kathy Mills Chang, a leader in insurance and patient billing and collections, chiropractic coding and documentation, Medicare, and many other facets of chiropractic office financial operations, has recently announced the availability of KMC University Boot Camps.
The camps are small group, weekend boot-camp style seminars designed to enlighten and educate chiropractors and their staffs in all areas of practice financials, including coding and documentation, patient financial systems, Medicare and billing and collections.
Using a variety of training methodologies, that includes hands-on training, lectures, workshops, and role playing, participants are firmly indoctrinated in all aspects of running a practice financial department. Each team returns to their practice with the beginnings of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual which they can customize for their own financial department.
Depending on the state you reside in, up to 10 CE credit hours, sponsored by Cleveland Chiropractic College, are also available.
Source: Kathy Mills Chang, www.KMCuniversity.com