January 22, 2013 —The Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF) Board of Trustees recently announced the election of Jerrilyn Cambron, LMT, DC, PhD, as president-elect.
Cambron is a massage therapist, licensed chiropractor, and educator who is currently a professor in the Department of Research at National University of Health Sciences.
Cambron has an extensive background in research, having served as a principal investigator on research studies focused on massage therapy and chiropractic care for more than 20 years. She has been an investigator on several projects funded by federal agencies including NIH and HRSA, as well as from the Massage Therapy Foundation for her practice-based research network MassageNet. She has also served on seven scientific journal editorial boards, and has been a peer-reviewer for numerous others.
During her year as president elect, Cambron will serve alongside Ruth Werner, the outgoing MTF president.
Of Cambron’s appointment, Werner said, “We could not be happier to announce that the president-elect of the Massage Therapy Foundation is Jerrilyn Cambron, LMT, DC, PhD. Jerrilyn is uniquely qualified to serve in this position. As a massage therapist she is deeply involved in this field; as a professional researcher she has the expertise to represent us among scientists; as a teacher she can educate and excite all of us about the Foundation and its future; but most of all, as a warm and winning person she will help everyone who benefits from massage — practitioners, educators, industry suppliers, clients and allied health care providers — understand and value the benefits that the massage therapy profession can bring to the world.”
Cambron has been an MTF Trustee since 2010, and was elected as vice president in 2012. She will serve as president-elect from March 1, 2013 through Feb. 28, 2014. On March 1, 2014, Cambron will take her seat as Massage Therapy Foundation president for a two-year term.
Source: Massage Therapy Foundation, massagetherapyfoundation.org