Join ChiroHealthUSA for the free webinar, ‘Back to Better: The 5 Things You Don’t Know That Can Hurt You and Cost You,’ on May 13, 2020 at 1 p.m. EST.
Featured presenters:
- Scott D. Munsterman, DC FICC CPCO
- Ray Foxworth, DC, FICC, MCS-P
- Diane Hartman
- Dr. Steve Conway, DC, JD
We’ve all heard “What you don’t know, can’t hurt you,” but nothing could be further from the truth if you are in practice. Over the past few weeks, many have learned about the rules and regulations from OSHA that clearly affect your practice and you’ve hopefully taken action to minimize your risks and improve the safety of your practice for you, your staff, and patients.
“COVID-19 caught most chiropractic clinicians flatfooted in regards to not knowing how to handle exposure control in the practice,” Munsterman says. “The question now is this: what else may you not know that you don’t know too? We invite you to join our discussion surrounding key ‘unknowns’ — much like OSHA was an unknown to many, there are other key areas overlooked or not known to the chiropractic clinician. And now is a great time to talk about this and get the practice back to better — in all aspects.”
For more info or to register go to
For the latest COVID-9 info for doctors of chiropractic, including upcoming webinars, updates, resources and articles from Chiropractic Economics, go to