January 4, 2017—2017 marks Foot Levelers’ 65th year in business, and the beginning of our most exciting year yet. To celebrate 65 years of relieving pain, improving outcomes, and serving the profession, we’re unveiling a game-changer: the Foot Levelers Kiosk.
- Gives patients the option to self-scan, scans both feet at once
- Available for sale today
- Ideal for the waiting room or the exam room
Doctors all over the nation are lining up to reserve this incredible innovation, which will be ready to ship on Valentine’s Day (February 14). To join the revolution and show your patients you’re on the cutting edge of care, call 800-553-4860 today to get on the list. 1st Come, 1st Served.
More about the Kiosk:
- Fast: Touch the “start” button and the scanning experience begins. Remember, it scans both feet at once!
- Easy to use: User-friendly touch screen, easy 1-2-3
- A Fantastic Marketing Tool: World-class graphics and videos engage your patients. The benefits of custom-made orthotics are made clear before you even begin your chiropractic exam.
Remember, Foot Levelers custom-made functional orthotics:
- Help hold your adjustments better
- Are scientifically proven to help relieve pain, improve the body’s performance
- Are backed by 65 years of experience
- Are proven by dozens of research studies
- Offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee, the best in the profession
Source: Foot Levelers