Chiropractic Economics’ Point-Counterpoint is where doctors of chiropractic and health care industry professionals debate the industry’s hottest topics
Point: CBD has dramatically helped my patients
By James Raker, DC
Ever since the discovery of the receptor system in the human body that responds to the cannabidiol (CBD) molecules in the oil from hemp plants, a barrage of products and claims have emerged for health conditions. What is CBD good for?
There is some data that it can help with certain health issues such as epilepsy. In fact, the FDA has approved a drug for certain childhood epilepsy based on these findings. What other types of health issues can CBD concentrates be used for?
I have used it successfully on a man with a huge lumbar disc bulge seen on MRI with low-back pain and leg pain on a constant “10” pain scale, whom I had scheduled to see a surgeon as my help and medication was not giving him any relief. His surgical appointment was 25 days out, so I said we would continue conservative care and I added the CBD oil to his treatment. After not sleeping for several nights, he got two hours of sleep the first night, four hours of sleep the second night, and progressed from each day with more sleep and decreased pain levels until by the end of the week there was no back pain and only a “2” leg pain and he was sleeping all night.
By the time the surgical consult came around the pain was only a minimal “1” intermittent in the leg, and he opted not to go see the surgeon because obviously he wouldn’t have surgery for such minimal conditions.
I also have had veterans with PTSD who have said they slept better even taking less of their routine sleep-inducing medications while using the CBD oil. Is it safe to use? I would say yes. Can it help some people with some of the health conditions mentioned above? I would say yes.
James Raker, DC, is the owner of Ark-La-Tex Health Center, and can be contacted at OccMedForDCs.com.
Counterpoint: Watch CBD manufacturing, testing protocols
By Bryan Hawley, DC
Like any plant-based extracted oil, when considering adding CBD to your practice, you must consider a few factors. First would be to educate yourself, and staff. Also keep up with the research that is pouring out on a regular basis. CBD is the “Wild West,” and chiropractors should take the lead in providing quality products and information to patients wanting to take CBD or CBD concentrates.
I would also advise learning about the manufacturing process of the distributor you are going to be ordering from. Extraction processes vary widely and can affect the potency of the product — not to mention some use harmful chemicals in their solvents during the distillation process. Methods of extraction used include CO2, steam distillation, solvent, and cold-press extraction.
Some points to consider are: Does the company have optimal quality control measures? Is there identification of the cannabis species used for the extraction method? Is the standardization and percentage of CBD or CBD concentrates and other cannabinoids present shown? Is there 3rd party testing? Is there transparency on product labels? Is there info on how the plant was harvested and produced? And to be we wary of medical claims.
Another thing to consider is that the testing process varies from lab to lab. We chose one that used a mass spec. to test each batch for number constituents in each product to help determine accurate potency.
I am definitely for the use of CBD extract to help aid in the healing of patients, providing there is proper manufacturing protocols as well as product testing in place.
Bryan Hawley, DC, now helps health and wellness professionals in growing their business. He can be contacted at drbryanhawley.com.
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