Watch for this misinformation from CBD companies making rounds on the internet and confusing doctors and patients alike
Despite the best intentions of many honest CBD companies, there are some out there that aren’t worried about truth getting in the way of selling their products.
Does CBD work? I have personally seen and talked to thousands of chiropractors and patients who believe that it does. Unfortunately, there are companies out there selling CBD that are not afraid of telling lies to move more products. Misinformation and blatant lies are the biggest threat to the CBD industry worldwide. This is truly a game-changing product, and with any new opportunity some companies will lie, cheat and steal to make a buck.
Don’t get us wrong. There are some great CBD companies out there doing a fantastic job educating people about the potential benefits CBD has to offer, but there are also some bad ones that are just looking to cash in. We’re going to look at five of the biggest myths and misconceptions that some unscrupulous CBD and hemp companies are peddling around the internet to help sell their products.
Myth No. 1 — fake celebrity endorsements
One of the biggest misconceptions that unscrupulous companies are telling in the CBD industry is about who is endorsing their CBD products. The worst thing is that there are already a lot of celebrities willing to support not only other people’s CBD products, but also their own cannabis and CBD brands.
Here are just a couple of lies from the scores of examples we have researched:
Tom Hanks — Hanks has been linked alongside Dr. Oz for endorsing CBD companies. He immediately went on the offensive, slamming the companies on Instagram for falsely representing him.
Oprah Winfrey — Oprah has the ability to influence millions of people, and some CBD companies are taking advantage of that. Good thing researchers can fact-check them. A company actually named their product “Oprah’s CBD Gummies.” The news was huge, but luckily researchers from USA Today and other publications quickly discovered it was false.
Myth No. 2 — Millions invested in CBD companies on Shark Tank
If you haven’t heard of the internationally syndicated television show Shark Tank, it’s a panel-style show where entrepreneurs pitch their products to famous investors.
Head onto Google or any other internet browser and search for “CBD Shark Tank” and see how many different Photoshop images and videos pop up. Luckily, one of the first things that will pop up is a page explicitly warning people not to believe the hysteria of false Shark Tank CBD claims.
Ultimately, what you end up with is overpriced hemp oil or another substitute and being locked into expensive and hard-to-escape contracts. No CBD company has been on Shark Tank, so don’t let the internet fool you.
Myth No. 3 — False claims about CBD cures
Most reputable CBD companies are cautious about listing any of the benefits CBD has to offer. Cannabidiol (CBD) has a lot of potential to help people with a variety of different things, but currently it’s not endorsed by any significant drug agencies.
There have been a lot of studies into CBD, and while they look extremely promising, more research has to be done. It is critical that no CBD companies or chiropractors claim CBD can treat or cure any disease. Doing so will put you and your business at risk.
One prime example of what not to do is on the website Ask Dr. Karen. This website has included a long list of things CBD could do for you, including addressing gastric health issues, PTSD, seizure relief, sleep relief, nausea relief and so much more. This is a huge red flag, and I am sure the FDA will be sending notices to this company soon.
Before committing to CBD, it’s essential to understand the facts. The National Institutes of Health has released a very insightful look that summarizes CBD. While they state that CBD is generally safe[1] and has a lot of potential, it’s also reported that more research needs to be conducted.
There is also an important report[2] released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning about CBD products and false claims. The report lists all the different CBD companies that the FDA has sent warning letters to and provides a copy of the warning letter.
Myth No. 4 — The entourage effect
The entourage effect is often used by CBD companies to promote full-spectrum CBD products over pure CBD isolate products. One of the most significant claims people use to push full-spectrum CBD products is that CBD’s effects are boosted by combining them with other plant compounds, including terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils and other cannabinoids.
There are some studies and reports that support the entourage effect, but they involve combining substantial doses of CBD with THC. CBD products that contain THC are only legal in countries or states that support legalized or medicinal marijuana programs. Scientific American states[3] that large doses of THC are required for any benefits to be seen by the entourage effect.
One of the only CBD drugs ever approved by the FDA, Epidiolex, is made using CBD isolate only and contains no THC.
Myth No. 5 — Mislabeling CBD products
It’s considered industry best practice to not only correctly label all CBD products, but also to include third-party laboratory results that back up the ingredients lists. Not only do these laboratory reports include how much of the active cannabinoid is present in the product, but they also ensure the product doesn’t contain any heavy metals or toxins.
Here is one example of a CBD company that didn’t accurately label[4] their CBD products:
“In a settlement, [company] will fork over $110,000 to Oregon’s cannabis regulator,” reported the Motley Fool website. “[Company], which bills itself as the ‘largest cannabis oil company in Oregon and California,’ reached a settlement with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission on the matter. In the arrangement, [company] is admitting that it mislabeled 186,152 units of its product. In numerous cases, the company apparently did not state the presence of botanical terpenes or MCT oil, ingredients used in vape products. In its marketing, [company] at times claimed that different ingredients considered more preferential were used in its products.”
Look for quality and reputation
While there are some unscrupulous CBD companies out there trying to mislead consumers, there are also some great CBD companies out there trying to educate people about the potential that CBD has.
Look for a trusted brand developed solely for chiropractors and professional health care clinics.
JOE KRYSZAK, MBA, is president of Stirling Professional CBD, the brand built by and for chiropractors and professional offices, giving back to the chiropractic industry. Since 2014, Stirling has grown, extracted and produced the purest CBD available. Stirling Professional brings amazing CBD+ products to your patients with the industry-leading lineup of 2,500-mg CBD lotions, THC and THC-free capsules and gels, and four great solutions for better sleep. We bring affordable solutions to your patients. For more information, go to