Billboards raising awareness about the dangers of chiropractic dot the landscape of Connecticut and other states.
Wethersfield, CT February 18, 2009 — The Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group (CSAG) is flooding the State of Connecticut with outdoor advertisements. Billboards asking the questions, “Have you been injured by a chiropractic adjustment?” and “Are you aware that a chiropractic adjustment can cause a stroke?” are being erected in all geographic regions of the state, some along major interstates such as I-84 and I-95.
The goal is to ensure that survivors of chiropractic stroke know there is a place to turn for support, as well as to alert the general public to the potentially life altering risks of chiropractic treatment.
“Otherwise healthy people are having strokes just because no one told them of the risks so that they could make informed healthcare choices,” said Britt Harwe the Founder of CSAG. “Chiropractors need to step up, be responsible and just say to their patients, ‘we know that that there is a possibility a spinal adjustment can cause a stroke, but now you should know it too'”.
It is the objective of CSAG supporters, who have committed resources for advertisements for at least the next four years, to ensure that by the time they are through every citizen in Connecticut will be aware of the risks of chiropractic adjustment.
“It is vitally important for people to understand that along with the benefits of chiropractic come risks,” said Amanda Thompson of CSAG. “These risks include stroke, permanent disability, or even death.”
The outdoor advertising campaign extends to Denver, Dallas, Seattle, southern California and New York City, where CSAG has placed a huge building-side billboard at the corner of West 57th Street and 11th Avenue.