Zimmer MedizinSystems
Company: Zimmer MedizinSystems
Address: Zimmer MedizinSystems
3 Goodyear, Suite B
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 800-327-3576
Web site: http://www.zimmerusa.com
Description: Zimmer MedizinSystems has been manufacturing high-quality and innovative therapy products worldwide for more than 50 years. In the U.S. since 1984, they have had a quality line of electrotherapy, ultrasound, radial pulse therapy, high-power laser, and high-energy inductive therapy devices.
- enPuls Radial Pulse Therapy
- Soleoline E-stim & Ultrasound
- Cryo Mini, 6, 7 Cryotherapy devices
- emFieldPro High-Energy Inductive Therapy
- OptonPro High Power Laser