The Ultimate Training for Spinal Postrual Screening
Company: Elite Coaching LLC
Address: 2301 9th st ct nw Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Phone: 253-851-8353
Web site:
Description: The Ultimate Training for Spinal Postural Screening from Elite Coaching LLC was developed to take more people at your screening event through a transformational experience, which enlightens them toward the posture/organ/overall health principle of chiropractic. The advanced communication systems taught in this program are said to create more value.
- Helps generate more quality, high value new patients
- Teaches how posture relates to current organ/health conditions
- Contains script book, DVD, and audio CD training for effective, reproducible training
- These scripts are applicable in your day one and two systems
- Effective posture based communication training tool
- Teaches you how to set up screenings for consistent new patient flow