The Greatest Chiropractor in the World

Best selling book reveals €œforgotten principles,€ reignites passion in DCs worldwide. Doctors today practice in fear because of the unknown. Around every corner seems to lurk another monster that is capable of eating up your practice, finances, and even your life. Third party reimbursement is decreasing, yet its dependence is on the rise. As history has proven, change is inevitable. Whether you are just venturing into the health care market, or you are presently in and looking for answers, this book holds priceless instructions to having a successful practice. To place an order visit Amazon or

Sold By: Dr. Dallas Humble


Book depicts: Small, easy to read book lists 12 forgotten, yet vital principles of the super successful. Gives instructions on how to avoid life-changing travesties in practice. Brings back fundamental keys to practicing wihtout insurance and achieving a purposeful and rewarding career. Written by a doctor of chiropractic.