King Bio SafeCareRX Appetite & Weight ControlTM

Company: KingBio SafeCareRX

Address: 3 Westside Drive, Asheville, NC 28806

Phone: 800-543-3245

Web site:

Description: King Bio SafeCareRX Appetite & Weight ControlTM maximizes metabolism to eliminate metabolic tendencies to gain weight. Promotes healthy weight loss and supports the associated emotional factors and motivation to exercise necessary to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Helps balance the appetite control centers of the brain. For reducing excessive appetite, empty feelings in the stomach, peculiar food cravings, stress eating and excess food intake. Promotes weight loss and also prevents weight regain with long-term use.


  • Appetite & Weight ControlTM is the most complete correction available today.
  • Provides 24 homeopathic ingredients and 7 flower essences made in 3 high potencies.
  • Advanced homeopathic Triple-Plus PotencyTM strength.
  • Taste-free, pure water base, containing no alcohol, glycerin, or sugar.
  • No side effects or contraindications or known reactions with other drugs.
  • No known allergic reactions or toxic chemical poisoning potentials; non-habit forming.
Sold By: Kingbio Safecarerx
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