eTHOMAS Practice Management

eTHOMAS Practice Management Software from Genius Solutions claims to have the best tried and tested chiropractic healthcare solutions. The THOMAS Practice Management system offers inventory tracking, financial reports, e-statements and billing, a customizable appointment book, and automated appointment reminders. The company also offers documentation, coding, and compliance training. Genius says they can help you automate a little or a lot by coordinating their eTHOMAS practice management system with your favorite EHR solution of choice. With nearly three decades of experience, Genius Solutions is a long-standing chiropractic office software solutions vendor.

Sold By: Genius Solutions, Inc.


100% supported by the people who develop and update the software in Michigan| Fully customizable appointment books with automated appointment reminders| Inventory tracking and a complete range of financial reports and add-on office automation aids| Electronic billing, statements, and claims| Unlimited software updates and support for current clients| Integrate our practice management with your favorite EHR