EMG Practice Setup Services

Company: TeleEMG LLC

Address: 65 Arlington Road, Woburn, MA 01801

Phone: 877-835-3364

Web site: http://www.TeleEMG.com

Description: EMG Practice Setup Services from TeleEMG LLC was created by a board certified neurologist to help primary care providers set up an EMG practice of their own, in their office, on their machine. The comprehensive program starts with an intensive hands-on training of the provider and their staff in the various EMG techniques, followed by setting the practice up with the EMG lab they need to start their EMG studies and stop referring their patients out.


  • Provider can have an in house EMG Lab of their own
  • Provider and staff are trained in the latest EMG techniques
  • Patients receive EMG tests in their provider’s office on the visit day
  • Provider stops referring patients out
  • Patient stays in the provider’s office
  • Patient receives diagnostic studies and treament in a timely fashion


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