Dynamic Movement Workshop
Company: Dynamic Movement Workshop
Address: 9 Edison Ct., Suite P. Monsey, NY 10952
Phone: 1-855-668-3166
Web site: http://www.moveonenow.com
Description: The Dynamic Movement Workshop is marketed as being about locating and adjusting the one unique primary subluxation and feeling the changes everywhere. It’s designed to capture the essence of the work of the famous Belgium chiropractor, Henri Gillet. There are three versions of the Dynamic Movement Workshop: (1) “The original course” (in this hands-on encounter, doctors learn the art and science of locating and adjusting one primary subluxation); (2) “The Mission Trip to Guatemala” (doctors apply their knowledge of the Dynamic Movement method to large numbers of patients who would never receive chiropractic care); and (3) “The sports performance course” (doctors learn how to evaluate and treat the serious athlete).
- All joints are designed to move in at least 6 directions
- This approach creates understanding and motivation for the patient
- This technique is very powerful in that the doctor can demonstrate how adjusting an extremity joint
- The workshop experience offers 18 CEUs
- There is an online pre-seminar course (2 CEUs), a one-day 10-hour hands-on workshop (10 CEUs), etc.
- Doctors can choose to attend a 6-hour hands on review