Concierge Coaches

Company:           Concierge Coaches

Phone:                 888-990-9660


Our coaching is a one-on-one program specific to your needs.

We specialize in directly & personally coaching and consulting with Chiropractors who want to build their practice through “BRANDED” services that include Spinal Decompression, Peripheral Neuropathy, Laser Care, Integrated Services, Weight Loss, Personal Injury, Massage and more.

The coaching program is based upon two time-tested, proven success methods.

#1 – we teach and provide every tool imaginable that a doctor can, should and will use to build their “CELEBRITY”. When we say “CELEBRITY” we are simply saying ‘THE BEST DOCTOR”.

Every prospective new patient, and existing patients, ant to know they are truly seeing “the best” Becoming the best and projecting the best when it comes to how a patient will choose you as their doctor is not guess work.

#2 – we teach and provide every tool imaginable that ‘RAISES YOUR DOCTORS BRAND”.

Concierge Coaches proprietary brands in the world of Spinal Decompression, Chiropractic, Massage, Laser Therapy, Weight Loss, Personal Injury and more are considered the “Gold Standard” in providing the highest standards of care and incredible market domination. The brands are all-inclusive and provided in-full to every Concierge Coaches doctor.

To learn more and for your Free Practice Growth Blueprint Ebook Click Here

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