CBD Drops

Company Name: DaCrema Botanicals

Company Phone Number: 484-838-8778

Company Website: dacremabotanicals.com


DaCrema Botanicals CBD drops are a superior product that is administrated under the tongue. Our unique formula delivers healing CBD throughout the body and targets specific receptors associated with the central nervous system. DaCrema CBD enhances mood, relieves stress/anxiety and improves sleep.

We use a proprietary blend of CBD’s from different regions to enhance cannabinoid flavor and achieve maximum bio-availability.

Sold By: DaCrema Botanicals


Company Name: DaCrema Botanicals

Company Phone Number: 484-838-8778

Company Website: dacremabotanicals.com


100% Legal Hemp Derived CBD Concentrates at Dacrema Botanicals! Improve your life quality with medicine from the earth. Pesticide free, GMO free, contaninate free.