Business Survival Kit
Company: Sidecar
Phone: 877-727-2705
The Business Survival Kit is designed to help provide chiropractors with the tools to step UP, step OUT, and communicate HOPE and INSPIRATION for patients and communities alike.
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In this survival kit you’ll learn about:
Train to Win
Training on employee communication, crisis management and three selections from our Team Improvement Rewards Program that will bolster confidence in times of stress.
Expand Your Mindset.
Highlights of our Mindset series, which are two- to five-minute discussions on personal and professional development
Design Experience
Think through all your customer experience touch points, so that in times of crisis you are aware of when and where you need extra attention paid to those engagements.
Free 90 Day Access for a Limited Time – Click Here
The Sidecar company was established by chiropractors, for chiropractors, and is still run by chiropractors. In short, we understand your challenges in the shifting sands of reimbursement. We are dragon slayers – a sharpened sword in a time of need. With a collective 75 years in experience, SIDECAR can offer proven methods for achieving a successful chiropractic practice. To learn more go to