BrainCore Therapy

Company Name: BrainCore Therapy

Company Phone Number: 800-491-6396

Company Website:


BrainCore Therapy was developed as a subspecialty for your practice. BrainCore Neurofeedback Therapy is a non-invasive, drugless approach that addresses very serious neurological conditions such as ADD/ADHD, Migraine and Tension headache, Memory Loss, Chronic Pain, and Insomnia just to name a few. With more than forty years of university based research demonstrating its efficacy, BrainCore provides a natural and effective alternative to the dangerous medications that have traditionally been used to address these conditions.
Brainwave Dysregulation is a condition that results from physical, chemical and emotional or mental stress as well as some genetic predispositions. The BrainCore technology and science is based on a training procedure that effectively regulates the nervous system providing proven relief of conditions associated with Brainwave Dysregulation.

Sold By: Braincore Therapy


Company Name: BrainCore Therapy

Company Phone Number: 800-491-6396

Company Website:


BrainCore Therapy was developed as a subspecialty for your practice. BrainCore Neurofeedback Therapy is a non-invasive, drugless approach that addresses very serious neurological conditions such as ADD/ADHD, Migraine and Tension headache, Memory Loss, Chronic Pain, and Insomnia just to name a few. With more than forty years of university based research demonstrating its efficacy, BrainCore provides a natural and effective alternative to the dangerous medications that have traditionally been used to address these conditions.
Brainwave Dysregulation is a condition that results from physical, chemical and emotional or mental stress as well as some genetic predispositions. The BrainCore technology and science is based on a training procedure that effectively regulates the nervous system providing proven relief of conditions associated with Brainwave Dysregulation.