Battle Balm

Company: Battle Balm

Address: P.O. Box 712263

Phone: (858) 349-5057


Description: Battle Balm is a 100% herbal plant-based topical analgesic. The product contains no artificial ingredients, chemicals, sodium laurel sulfates, phthalates, or petroleum. It’s made completely from all natural and organic plants.


  • It’s really all natural, unlike many other companies that say their product is.
  • Battle Balm is naturally antibacterial and antifungal. It’s been clinically tested per USP 51 specification.
  • Over 95% (by weight) of Battle Balm is certified USDA organic.
  • Battle Balm can be used with warm heat or a cold pack.
  • Battle Balm is trusted by both Western and Eastern medical practitioners as an effective pain relief formula.
Sold By: Battle Balm