What signal or message are you giving off in your practice? Whether you’re networking at a chamber event, presenting a health seminar at Whole Foods, posting diet tips on Facebook and Twitter, or being interviewed by CNN or CBCTV on how Chiropractic Care makes a difference for asthma – what are you broadcasting to current and potential patients to grow your practice?
Cryoderm is excited to announce a marketing workshop presented in collaboration with the Michigan Association of Chiropractors (MAC), June 2, 2011
Here are some marketing facts:
-90% of news that makes it on the air is pitched by an outside source.
-57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog.
-The number of marketers who say Facebook is “critical” or “important” to
their business has increased 83% in just 2 years.
Over the last 20 years, Six-Time EMMY® award winner Shawne Duperon has interviewed presidents, celebrities and sports stars. She even coaches Parker College President Dr. Fab Mancini. She’s filmed folks such as: General Colin Powell, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain, Morgan Freeman, YoYo Ma, Phil Mickelson and Bill Cosby to name a few.
In this all-day workshop presented by Cryoderm in collaboration with MAC, this former network health reporter will give you marketing tips, tools and shortcuts to lower your marketing costs, while growing your practice, exposure, brand and fame.
At this event you will master:
* Avoiding the worst mistakes you make in relationship marketing
* Steering clear of the absolute worst things to say to a reporter
* How to create instant credibility
* Combining traditional and social media
* Who to call in the newsroom
* How to actually pitch and get results.
* How to powerfully use social media tools like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
* The biggest mistakes of chiropractors with media
* How to NOT look like stupid when working in traditional and social media
* Tips to manage your anxiety during important interviews
* The real reason a reporter keeps asking the same question over and over
* When to call and how to get past any gatekeeper in the newsroom
When you leave this workshop, you will shift your marketing skills and grow your practice, fame and exposure regardless of your skill level.
Source: http://www.chiromi.com/seminars/