As you continue your schooling or as it comes to a closer, revisiting why you choose chiropractic can be helpful. Reflect on these questions to the benefit of yourself and your patients.
When did you come to appreciate the inheritance of a healthy life? Was it from your parents’ commitment to supply you with chiropractic care as you were growing up? Was it when you felt better after your adjustments? Did you soon find yourself looking forward to the rush of unleashed energy throughout your body from each spinal thrust?
When did you become aware that your body was always battling and defeating whatever sickness you were exposed to, returning you and keeping you at your true potential of health without inoculations or medicine? Or was it when you saw all your friends getting their preventive shots, but then still missing school more than you did. Did you just feel lucky or did you understand why?
When did you first think about sharing chiropractic with the kind of people who have lost all hope of living a healthier life? Was it after observing the happiness doctors and their patients radiate while living the chiropractic lifestyle, or was it the bright gleam in their eyes when talking about the results they experienced from regular chiropractic care?
When did you stand in awe and observe the healing power at work within your patients’ bodies? Was it after feeling the positive change to the involved tissue while resting your hands on their spine?
When did you, exactly, feel humbled as you became aware of and grateful for the power that lives within us all? When did you admit you merely interact with that power when adjusting your patients? When did you realize your adjustment does not make them healthy, it merely allows the body to return to its natural and intended state of health?
When did you first experience the “inspirational spirit of the clinical art and application of chiropractic”? Why does that experience make you feel like you are in a self-contained zone of complete fulfillment, purpose, confidence, and self-worth, during?that process of adjusting the patient? Was it after you learned to block out unnecessary thoughts and distractions before you open the practice room door? Was it the day you forced yourself to totally listen to what?your patients and their bodies were telling you?
When did you become addicted to being in the zone during the application of the clinical art? Was it because once you found yourself there, you were able to maintain a clear focus and experience extraordinary touch while palpating spines and successfully adjusting subluxations? Did you soon realize that when you were in your zone, those patients would improve with each of your specific spinal adjustments? Did this mindset become your daily objective for a purpose- filled life, while it supplies you with a never-ending referral patient base?
When did you realize the clinical art and application of chiropractic can’t be performed as a task-or worse-as a job? When did your passion and commitment to stand with each patient in their quest for a healthier life reveal to you that the principles of chiropractic will always prove their dependability time and time again?
When did you fall in love with chiropractic, and the success that means being able to embody your passions every day?