Understand the benefits of collagen, one of the most abundant proteins produced in our bodies, and how it could enhance your patients’ wellness journey.
As a doctor of chiropractic, you’re always on the lookout for ways to help your patients improve their overall health, especially when it pertains to their spine and joints. This article illustrates several benefits of collagen and shares information to determine whether it’s the right option for your patients.
What is collagen?
Collagen is a natural, abundant protein made in the human body accounting for about 30% of a body’s overall protein. Collagen is the glue that holds most of our bodies together, providing support and structure for major organ. such as bones, muscles and connective tissues.
What can collagen do for the body?
There are about 28 identified types of collagen, all of which play crucial roles in optimal health and wellness. Collagen can help new cells grow, replace dead skin cells, give structure to skin, help blood clot, provide a protective covering for organs and provide the strength, support and structure for the body to function properly.
The impact of lost collagen over time
Though we all naturally produce collagen, it gradually decreases over time due to age, injury or health conditions. This can have many less-than-ideal effects on the body, but one of the most common is joint pain.
Without collagen to line, layer and support joints, the body’s cartilage can wear down. This can cause issues in the spine, knees and other areas, and can lead to osteoarthritis.
Adding more collagen into a patient’s diet ― through collagen-rich foods or a high-quality supplements ― can help offset the effects of reduced collagen production in the body.
The best collagen option
There are suggestions you can make to your patients to naturally offset the loss of collagen production, such as avoiding smoking, limiting caffeine and eating foods rich in collagen and vitamin C. However, one of the best options is to advise collagen supplementation.
What are the benefits of collagen?
Collagen has long been recognized as a link to better joint health. Supplementing collagen can help stimulate a body’s joint collagen, providing that layer needed to support joints and minimize painful movements due to osteoarthritis.
Reduce pain and joint degeneration
Collagen is a smooth gel that holds bones and joints into place. Without adequate collagen, joints don’t move around as smoothly, causing patients chronic pain. Adding more collagen to your body provides relief from pain, reduces the risk of further joint deterioration and offers a noninvasive treatment for joint-related pains and disorders.
Mild with few to no side effects
There are few to no side effects associated with adding collagen supplements or collagen-rich foods to your patient’s diet. As a mild protein that already exists in a patient’s body, it’s likely your patients won’t have adverse reactions to this naturally occurring substance.
Noninvasive and pain-free
Unlike other joint treatments, adding a collagen supplement to patients’ routine is noninvasive, pain-free and simple. It’s an uncomplicated treatment plan that can improve their joint health and help them obtain movement without discomfort.
For more insight into the health and joint benefits of collagen, chiropractic health and improving your patients’ health, subscribe to Chiropractic Economics, the #1 magazine for doctors of chiropractic.