The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) announces its newest corporate Associate Member for the third quarter of 2009, joining the community of vendors that provide the highest quality in chiropractic services, equipment, and supplies. The WFC welcomes this new corporate Associate Member who recently joined to support the mission and goals of the WFC.
The Vitality Depot is a new company based in Roanoke, Virginia under its president Mark Mandell, DC. This company was founded with the goal of selling innovative products at extraordinary value for the USA and Canadian chiropractic markets. By holding the line on costs it offers everyday value pricing plus includes bonus gifts such as free office samples and free patient education brochures. The company website is:
You can contact Vitality Depot by calling 1-866-941-8867 or; enter “depot123” for professional pricing.
The Vitality Depot joined the WFC during the Florida Chiropractic Association meeting in August as a WFC Bronze Level member.