The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) is calling for applications for a full academic scholarship being offered in association with Parker University for one of a range of online Masters programs.
Parker University currently offers Masters programs in business administration, public health, functional nutrition, strength and human performance, and clinical neuroscience. The successful applicant will be a chiropractor who demonstrates academic, leadership and ambassadorial potential within the profession. They will demonstrate a strong track record of academic excellence and an attitude of service to the chiropractic profession.
Five Masters programs are available:
- Masters in Business Administration
- (MBA)
- Masters in Public Health (MPH)
- Masters in Strength and Human
- Performance (MS)
- Masters in Clinical Neuroscience (MS)
- Masters in Functional Nutrition (MS)
The scholarship will cover tuition and course fees and will not cover materials such as books, supplies or other expenses. Where accommodation is necessary during the program, this shall also be at the student’s expense. The successful candidate will commence the program in January 2022.
Successful candidates will possess a Bachelors degree and a chiropractic degree. The WFC Global Scholarship, in association with Parker University, will be open to any duly qualified chiropractor, located anywhere within the WFC’s seven world regions (Africa, Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America, Pacific).
Selection criteria will include, but not necessarily be restricted to:
- Academic merit — The successful applicant’s writing skills will provide evidence of higher order thinking and capability of completing a
WFC Global Scholarship in association with Parker University Masters level program of study. - Leadership potential — The successful candidate should demonstrate that they have achieved results from a position of leadership (organizational, mobilizing/inspiring others).
- Ambassadorial potential — The successful candidate will demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of intra- and interprofessional relationships that can benefit the chiropractic profession.
For full information go to