July 27, 2010 — For more than 2,000 years, color has been used to create specific human physiological responses. For the past 50 years sound has been used for similar purposes. Now you can easily add these cash spa services for relaxation and revitalization.
The Relaxation Station software system takes these sight and sound healing technologies to a whole new level. From the main screen you have access to special color therapy screens for 22 different conditions. These screens have been matched to 15 different binaural audio clips for: depression, fear, nervous problems, immunity, joint inflammation, endocrine system, general pain, hyperactivity, anxiety, tension, energize, revitalize, be happy, tranquility, patience, and psychosis.
In addition there are five power screens that combine two colors associated with the condition. They are: anxiety/tension/patience, fibromyalgia, depression/anxiety/tension, depression/fear, general pain/anxiety, weight loss, and stop smoking.
The Relaxation Station is the latest software from Dr. Joe Ventura. Visit the website for full details, and to download a demo version of the software or request a live Internet demonstration.
Source: VenturaDesign, www.posturepro.com/relax.htm