November 9, 2013 — The University of Bridgeport, College of Chiropractic (UBCC), in collaboration with the State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Medicine, is proud to announce a clinical affiliation between the college and the Neuroradiology Department at Stony Brook.
UBCC interns, having been trained in basic competency in MRI spine interpretation, will now have the opportunity of doing an intense six-week clinical rotation training side-by-side with neuroradiologists and neuroradiology fellows in a world class neuroradiology training program.
MRI was invented at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the Nobel Prize was awarded to one of its professors, Paul Lauterbur, PhD, in the mid-70s.
The current chairman of Stony Brook School of Medicine Neuroradiology Department, Robert Peyster, MD, worked directly with the Nobel Laureate and has published more than 60 articles on MRI-related topics. He will be working directly with the chiropractic interns and coordinating the program with Stony Brook’s chairman, Mark Schweitzer, DC.
UBCC Dean David Wickes, DC, said, “This is very exciting as MRI spine interpretation has become a very important component of the contemporary chiropractic practice. Supplementing our student’s learning with this clinical rotation is an excellent opportunity. The provision of quality care can be considerably enhanced by additional training in spinal MRI interpretation, allowing the chiropractor to better integrate the standard MRI report with the patient’s clinical presentation and to improve the recognition and classification of disk lesions. As technology advances we will continue to learn more about our patients and how to help them.”
David M. Brady, ND, vice provost of health sciences for UB, also stated; “Collaborations of this nature among educational institutions in the clinical training of health care professionals foster the kind of integration and team approach that is required in the quality health care of the future.”
Source: University of Bridgeport