Most of us have had some experience learning about the Law of Attraction, or at least an introduction to it, but almost no one fully recognizes or appreciates how this law is working for you at all times.
You may even be a skeptic and think the Law of Attraction is just New-Age hoopla. But the law is still working for you whether you “believe” in it or not.
The Law of Attraction
Let’s look at the Law of Attraction first, then use it as a gauge of what you are creating in your life each second. Most of us would agree that from a scientific viewpoint, it is proven that we are all made up of energy.
Indeed, the whole universe is made up of energy, and as a chiropractor, you are more attuned to this concept n the average adult. You work with the stiff of the universe and your art is the chiropractic adjustment.
Quantum physics reveals that this energy (at the smallest level) is caused by vibrating particles that also make up solid matter. We are part of this energy in the universe; we are composed of vibrating small particles. So what does this have to do with the Law of Attraction.
Particles vibrate at a given frequency. Everything emits waves generated by a frequency (you can think of this as magnetism). Gravity itself is a form of magnetism. But we also have an energetic pattern that can be measured.
This pattern leads to the Law of Attraction. The vibration we create sends out a tone, and that tone is in harmony with other frequencies, so it becomes an attractor pattern. This brings certain experiences, people, items, lessons, and more into our lives. If you live your life in a lower vibrational pattern, chances are lots of struggles, frustrations, and other low-vibrational patterns will be attracted to you.
Change of thought
Don’t like what’s showing up in your life? Change your state of being. Not sure what to change? Start with your thoughts. Instead of choosing a thought that makes you feel bad, choose a slightly better one.
Even your thoughts have a vibrational frequency because, as you may have surmised, they are energy too. As you get better at choosing higher-frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs, you’ll change along with your vibration and what you attract into your life.
This is truly living your life with the above-down, inside-out (ADIO) concepts at the forefront. Because true change has to come from the tone you are generating. You are responsible only for your own energy and vibration. Do you want change in your life? Then change what you do, say, and think to create new patterns of energy in your world.
Better choices for better outcomes
Many great books and teachers out there will get you really thinking about your choices in life that create higher levels of vibration. It’s a daily decision to focus on the good and cultivate higher energy, or focus on frustrations and create lower-level vibrations.
This vibration also affects everything you can think of, from your success in the outside world—your business, finances, relationships—to your inside world of happiness and love, or turmoil and disease.
The good news is, we are here to work on our abilities to vibrate higher and have more powerful magnetism. You don’t get just one chance; you get an opportunity every moment. Work on cultivating higher energy to create greater magnetism and watch how magical your life becomes.
Chiropractic care, goal setting, meditation, daily exercise, inspiring mentors, and clean foods all boost your vibrational level, so when you choose “good” for yourself, you are working on manifesting higher vibrational power in your life. When we choose habits that lower our levels of vibration, we are self-sabotaging.
If you are intrigued by these ideas, some popular books on the subject include Power vs. Force and Truth vs. Falsehood by David R. Hawkins, and books by Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton help us see the dynamic nature of the world we are creating through the Law of Attraction and our vibrational energy. Let’s help others vibrate higher through our job as chiropractors and facilitators of truth.
LONA COOK, DC, owns and practices at two offices in western Wisconsin. She wrote the book Just Tell Me Where to Start for new DCs and she does consulting work with female chiropractors. She can be contacted at or through