March 30, 2011 — Texas Chiropractic College (TCC) will help celebrate the American Public Health Association’s National Public Health Week (NPHW) by holding several events.
The festivities will begin Mon., April 4 with the Moody Health Center sponsoring a smoking cessation advising campaign. Tues., April 5-6 guest speaker Dr. Cheryl Hawk, Director of Clinicial Research at Logan Chiropractic College in St. Louis, will be speaking to students on various subjects including “Public Health, Health Promotion and Chiropractic.” Thurs. April 7 is being called “Research Day.” Academic posters presented at conferences by TCC faculty members will be displayed in the cafeteria for students to look over.
The theme for NPHW 2011 is “Safety is no accident: Live injury free.” To aid in this message the classes of Dr. Quinn Bui will have table top educational pieces on display in the library foyer throughout the week.
To learn more about NPHW visit Click here to see a listing of NPHW related TCC events.
Source: Texas Chiropractic College,