The Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA) is the essential voice for chiropractic in Texas. It provides protection and state-wide advocacy for chiropractors.
TCA has more than 1,600 members across the Lone Star State and is governed by an elected, voting board of directors.
The Texas Chiropractic Association works hard to advocate the position that the citizens of Texas should have adequate access to the health care of their choice and to insure that Doctors of Chiropractic have suitable representation in the decision-making agencies of the government.
Founded: 1908
Physical Address: 1122 Colorado St. Ste. 307, Austin, TX 78701
Website: teca.memberclicks.net
Contact email: info@chirotexas.org
Association President: Max Vige, DC
Special Events/Yearly Shows: Chiro Texpo