June 10, 2012 — Texas Chiropractic College (TCC) recently announced the launch of its new Center for Institutional Excellence, which is set to begin operations Sept. 3, 2012.
The center is charged with facilitating the development, monitoring, and publication of the college’s Strategic Plan and organizational structure. It is additionally responsible for institutional assessment and accreditation, assessment of student learning, management of institutional policies and ongoing quality assurance. The new center will absorb the role of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and the program development responsibilities of Vice President Alan Adams, who is slated to retire from full-time status at the end of the current fiscal year.
“This is a great day for TCC as we announce our new Center for Institutional Excellence,” said Dr. Richard G. Brassard, president of TCC. “This Center is the manifestation of the college’s commitment to creating the best experience in chiropractic for our students while also providing a rewarding environment for our employees.”
The strategies behind the development of the center have been based in the Baldrige Model for organizational success and planning strategies from the American Society for Quality.
“Our goal is for Texas Chiropractic College to ultimately be recognized as an international leader among single-purpose, professional schools,” noted Dr. Clay McDonald, TCC Provost. “We also want every member of our community, from students to alumni to staff, to take pride in their affiliation with the college.”
Dr. Steve Foster, the college’s current director of assessment, has accepted the new position of executive director of the Center for Institutional Excellence. In his new role, he will take over the monitoring, measuring and reporting of the strategic plan, which is currently managed by the Provost and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. He will additionally lead the team of the director of the Assessment Center, director of accreditation and institutional research, and the program coordinator for the center.
Pam Vise, current assistant to Adams, has accepted the position of coordinator. She will be providing professional and administrative support to the center while also sharing her coordinator experiences with the college’s most recent accreditation cycles.
Source: Texas Chiropractic College, txchiro.edu