One Month Supply Sample of Homocysteine TLR
Free Full Size Bottle Sample
60 capsules -- 60 day supply
$21 value (wholesale)
Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid produced as part of the body’s methylation process and as a result of breaking down proteins.
Elevated homocysteine levels in the plasma, also known as hyperhomocysteinemia, can negatively impact the heart, cardiovascular functions, and the brain. Elevated levels are dangerous metabolic chemicals that bind with tissues and cause oxidative stress. Elevated homocysteine levels are commonly linked to a deficiency in both vitamin B12 and folate.
The key benefits of this formula:
Homocysteine TLR
Chiropractic Economics ® 2020
Free Full Size Bottle Sample
60 capsules -- 60 day supply
$21 value (wholesale)
Sample available only to healthcare practitioners new to Systemic Formulas. HCP license and registration with a free professional account required.