May 18, 2010 — Age is just a number. If the body has the right support, like good nutrition and exercise, it can be hard to tell how old a person really is. The foundation of good health begins with our cells, the building blocks of our body.
To support the cells that support us, Standard Process Inc. introduced Cellular Vitality, designed to help maintain the body’s cellular health today, tomorrow, and in the future.
Cells combine to form tissue, tissue makes up our organs, and our organs compose the body’s systems that keep us going. Cellular Vitality is a synergistic blend of B vitamins, bromelain, mushroom, six berry seeds, CoQ10, ginseng, and ribonucleic acid that helps support cellular energy and function.
From skin to digestion and cognition to the cardiovascular system, Cellular Vitality supports cellular energy and function, the most basic foundation for physical wellness.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Source: Standard Process,