June 3, 2015 — Sherman College honored alumni, chiropractors, and supporters during its 42nd Lyceum, a homecoming and continuing education event attended by hundreds of chiropractors throughout the U.S. and internationally.
Lyceum is held on the college’s campus in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and involves three days of seminars, special events, and other programs. The college is proud to announce the following 2015 award recipients:
- Chiropractor of the Year, Dean DePice, DC
- Regent of the Year, Pam and David Courtney, DCs
- Chiropractic Advocate of the Year, Barbara Dubel
- Distinguished Service Award, Bill Decken, DC
- ROAR Career Advisor of the Year, Allison Kyzer, DC
- Spirit of Sherman College Award, Gary and Cathie Padden, DCs
- Service to Sherman College Award, Robert Tarantino, DC
- Service to Sherman College Award, Karen Canup, CPA
- Service to the Profession Award, Brian Lieberman, DC
- Rising Star Award, Darby Lyles Thomas, DC
Chiropractor of the Year: Dean DePice, DC
Dean DePice, DC, has been named Chiropractor of the Year by Sherman College of Chiropractic. The Chiropractor of the Year Award is an honor bestowed upon doctors who have, through their service, given extraordinary time and effort to advance Sherman College and the principled chiropractic profession.
DePice has been practicing chiropractic since his graduation from Life University in 1987. He is co-founder of TLC4Superteams, a doctors coaching company that provides continuing education and leadership training.
For the last several years, DePice has been giving of himself and his expertise to teach students success principals in practice so that graduates will have the skills they need to run successful practices.
In addition, he is a member of the Sherman College Board of Regents and has given his time as a presenter on multiple Sherman Connect calls. He actively encourages his TLC team members and clients to support Sherman College by sending donations and students.
Regent of the Year: David and Pam Courtney, DCs
Pam and David Courtney, DC, have been named Regents of the Year by Sherman College of Chiropractic. This award is presented in recognition of their outstanding and continuous advancement of Sherman College through participation on the college’s Board of Regents, a group dedicated to supporting quality chiropractic education through financial donations and leadership. Regents give visibility and stature to Sherman College through speaking engagements, legislative roles, student referrals, and financial support.
The Courtneys have been a part of the Sherman family for close to 40 years and Sherman Regents since 1981. They have supported the college as regents for so long that in 2013 they were given the Lifetime Regent distinction so that they would be permanent members and always welcome at Sherman’s special events.
David Courtney graduated from Sherman College in September 1979. Since 1980 he has been in private practice in a home office setting. He is also a youth-soccer and a PIAA high school soccer referee. Pam Courtney worked at Sherman while David was a student. She served as a college counselor, the director of financial aid, and as the director of career advisement.
Source: Sherman College of Chiropractic